- Know your readership. It is important to keep track of those who subscribe to your blog, so that you are always aware of whom you are reaching when you make your posts. This will help you select relevant topics.
- Selecting topics: “Dig deep and make it sexy.” I have a client who uses this saying, and I love that she does. Sometimes when you write your blog post, the words will flow out of you, onto the screen and capture the attention of the reader very easily. But sometimes you have to research topics relating both to your business and the reader. When that is the case, look to the web and other media outlets to provide ideas that not only attract your attention, but move and stir you. If you know your readers, this will make it easier to decipher what will move and stir them, reinforcing why they read your posts, creating loyalty to your blog and your business because they feel connected.
- Post often, if not daily. A blog is different than a newsletter. Blogs are meant to be a medium for daily commentary. If you leave your blog unattended your reader will not be engaged. Your reader will most likely think you don’t take your blog seriously, and therefore they won’t take you or your brand seriously. If you don’t have the availability to write every day, you can “cherry pick;” meaning that you can share information from others that is relevant to your blog and readers, as long as you give proper credit to the original author.
- Ask questions. Everyone likes to be heard, so ask your readers thought provoking questions and encourage them to answer. It’s a nice touch if you involve yourself in the commenting as well. Not only can your blog can be a place where people go on the web for industry news and information, but a place to learn from your expertise and from other professionals as well by sharing thoughts, ideas and information. These comments can spark conversations that will lead you to even more interesting and relevant topics, as well as building a community around your blog.
- Change it up. Sure, you may find a good rhythm to your blog. You may be seeing lots of traffic, and even business growth due to your marketing efforts by way of your blog. But don’t get comfortable. Now, don’t fix what isn’t broken, but always be on the lookout for ways to improve, revamp and refresh: add video segments, make your blog more user friendly, create new visually stimulating art, ask for suggestions, hold a contest, poll your readers, interview relevant experts. It is important to occasionally make changes that will keep your blog fresh and interesting to your readers, as well as attract new readers.
Blogging is an easy medium to help you strengthen your brand. Use it effectively to stay in front of your customers, contacts and prospects, and it will create customer loyalty, help develop partnerships, establish you as an expert and improve your SEO, ultimately driving your business toward continued success.